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Shanghai antimicrobial agents manufacturers reveal the classification of antimicrobial agents
Release time:2020-11-09

ing antibacterial biochar material, is prepared by the physical and chemical action of quaternary ammonium salt and biochar

Overcome the general organic antibacterial agent heat resistance is poor, easy hydrolysis, short period of validity.

3. Inorganic antibacterial agents

Using the antibacterial ability of silver, copper, zinc and other metals, by physical adsorption ion exchange and other methods, silver, copper, zinc and other metals (or their ions) are fixed on the surface of fluorspar, silica gel and other porous materials to make antibacterial agents, and then it is added to the corresponding products to obtain the antibacterial ability of materials. Mercury, cadmium, lead and other metals also have antibacterial ability, but are harmful to human health; Copper, nickel, lead plasma with color, will affect the appearance of the product, zinc has a certain antibacterial activity, but its antibacterial strength is only 1/1000 of silver ion. Therefore, silver ion antimicrobial agents occupy a dominant position in inorganic antimicrobial agents.

Silver ion kind antimicrobial agent is the most commonly used antimicrobial agent, show white fine powder, heat-resistant temperature can reach 1300℃ above. The carrier of silver ion antibacterial agent has glass, zirconium phosphate, zeolite, ceramic, activated carbon and so on. Sometimes some copper ions and zinc ions are added to improve the synergy. Among them, the long-acting biochar antimicrobial material made of biochar loaded with silver overcomes the instability and uneven distribution of other carriers such as glass, zirconium phosphate, zeolite, ceramic and activated carbon.

In addition, there are zinc oxide, copper oxide, ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, lithium carbonate and other inorganic antibacterial agents.

The above is the classification of antimicrobial agents revealed by Shanghai antimicrobial manufacturers. If you have relevant needs about natural antimicrobial agents, organic antimicrobial agents, inorganic antimicrobial agents, welcome to contact us.

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